The Hindu Co-operative Bank Ltd.

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Loan Interest Rates

Rate of Interest on Loan & Advances (w.e.f. 16.01.2023 )

Cash Credit
1. Cash Credit  to Retail Traders 12.4%

2. Cash Credit  to Medical Professionals

3. Cash Credit  to SSI 14.5%
4. Cash Credit  to Business purpose 14.5%
5. Cash Credit  to Agriculture & Allied activities 14.5%
6. Cash Credit  against Stocks 14.5%
7. Cash Credit  to Commercial & Real Estate 12.5%
Over Draft  
1. OD against FDRs upto 10 Lakh 2% more than contracted rate
2. OD against FDRs upto 10 Lakh to 25 Lakh 1.5% more than contracted rate
3. OD against FDRs above 25 Lakh 1% more than contracted rate
4. OD against FDR/RD To Staff 1% more than contracted rate
5. OD against Property 14.5%
6. Loan against KVP/NSC/GOLD/LIC 11.25%
Mortgage ( Medium Term Loan)  
1. Loan against Property/ personal Loan 14.5%
2. Housing Loan
3. Construction of School / College Building 12.5%
4. Education Loan 10.5%
5. Term Loan to SSI 14.5%
6. Term Loan to Medical Professional 12%
7. Term Loan to agriculture & allied activities 14.5%
8. Term Loan to Business purpose 14.5%
9. Bank Building Loan 12.5%
Hypothecation Loan
1. Motor Cycle/ Scooter Loan 14.5%
2.New Car Loan 13.5%
3. Bus/ Truck Loan 14%
4. Consumer Loan 15.5%
5. Employee Loan to Teachers & Professors 12.5%
6. Other Employee Category 12.5%
6. Vehicle Loan to Member Secured against Cent Percent Deposit> 11%
2% Penal rate will be charged on default  of each  instalment & default amount in loan & cash credit Accounts respectively .

Hindu Co-operative Bank Ltd. is registered with DICGC

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